My neighbor totoro

A Discussion of Totoro from the Perspective of the Guardian Forest
The article examines “My Neighbor Totoro”, highlighting its extraordinary detail, and the integration of Japanese folk beliefs and culture. The author interprets Totoro as a “kami” or deity, existing in a parallel spiritual path. References to Japanese spiritual beliefs are seen in the film’s portrayal of hierarchy among life forms and symbolisms like acorns. The author explains Japanese folk beliefs and philosophies that are connected to other works like Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa.
Nirvana’s West Wind
In this introspective piece, the author reflects on her son’s relationship with Hayao Miyazaki’s animations and his struggle with the concept of mortality. The transition from “Panda! Go Panda!” to “My Neighbor Totoro” marks a deeper understanding of life’s impermanence. Meanwhile, the author delves into societal changes in Japan, considering death’s evolution from home to hospital, and exploring “Totoro” as an allegory of this shift.
What I Learned About “Totoro” by Pete Docter
The director of “Monsters Inc.” shares his admiration for “My Neighbor Totoro”, highlighting its unique character design, realistic portrayal of children, and meticulous details that bring depth to the story. He praises its relaxed pacing and lifelike settings, revealing how the film influenced his directorial career.